New Construction Residential Inspections: Protecting Your Investment
A New Construction Inspection is performed when a home is ready for move in but before your final walk-thru with the builder. It is to your advantage to have an inspection report in hand for that final walk-thru and have any deficiencies corrected before you head to the closing.
Most new builds carry a one year builder's warranty so many homeowner will have an additional inspection at least 30 days before the expiration of that warranty. This ensures any issues that may have become apparent during that first year are taken care of by the builder before the warranty expires. These inspections are know as 11 Month Inspections or Builder Warranty Inspections and are critical to ensure the builder takes care of all the items they should without leaving the homeowner to pay out of pocket for problems.

It’s common for people to assume that a newly constructed home is perfect because its new. Unfortunately, this belief can be misleading. Even with the best builders and contractors, the construction process is complex and involves numerous trades, materials, and systems. As a result, oversights or errors may occur, leading to potential problems that could impact the safety and quality of your new home.
It is shocking some of the items I've come across when inspecting new builds right here in Amarillo. Items such as:
Electrical not connected to fixtures or to main supply.
Fixtures (such as toilets and faucets) not secured in place.
Sewer not connected to main.
Utility meters not placed or connected.
And these are just some of the big items. Every single home built has items that need to be corrected and fixed before you close on the house and you don't want to be stuck paying for someone else's oversight or mistake.
In additional to all the areas covered in a residential inspection, a new construction inspection also includes ensuring state and local standards for new construction are met. While you might assume every builder already complies with these standards, some do not and even the ones that do, can overlook things that could effect you down the road.

Timing of New Construction Inspections
We guarantee our residential inspections to ensure you get the best inspection for your money.